Actividades de agencias de viajes y operadores turísticos
Productos y servicios
Consultoría de viajes y eventos corporativos.
Actividades de las agencias de viajes
Actividades de las agencias de viajes
Travel agency activities
The company is primarily engaged in the activities of a travel and corporate events consultant. Twenty-five years' experience in the sector and satisfied clients all over the world place the company as a leading corporate events and travel consultancy company. It was incorporated in October of 1980. The company has a registered office located in Barcelona, Spain. Its mission consists of advising its clients to make their corporate events and trips highly effective actions which, as part of strategic communication, contribute to generating value and positioning the company. Based on the synergies of its experience, innovation and permanent development, its vision is to become landmark strategic partners in the sector and consultants allied to its customers' company.