Fabricación de productos de plástico
Productos y servicios
Fabricacion y venta de tuberia de plastico
Fabricación de placas, hojas, tubos y perfiles de plástico
Fabricación de placas, hojas, tubos y perfiles de plástico
Manufacture of plastic plates, sheets, tubes and profiles
The company is a leader company in the flexible pipe market. It was founded in 1995 and it conducts business from its registered head office located in Santa Perpertua De Mogoda, Spain. The company is consolidated in the market as a leader company in quality products being convinced that the presence and the positioning in the current market goes through giving something better than what is offered by other manufacturers, therefore they hold the quality certificates from AENOR and AFNOR. Its range of products, include AGROFLEX, ESPIROFUEL ANTIESTÁTICO, OILFLEX, TRANSFORT P.U., TRANSFORT SUPERELASTIC, TRANSLIQUID, TRANSLIQUID ANTIESTÁTICO, and TRANSLIQUID ANTIESTÁTICO P.U. Further, the company has as its objective to be differentiated from its competitors by means of the quality of its products and the service offered, seeking to obtain client's satisfaction by continuously improving the internal processes and the products manufactured based on a continuous line of evolution and progress.