Otros servicios personales
Productos y servicios
Servicio de lavado y limpieza de prendas textiles.
Lavado y limpieza de prendas textiles y de piel
Lavado y limpieza de prendas textiles y de piel
Washing and (dry-)cleaning of textile and fur products
This company has its head office in the province of Madrid, Spain. It was founded in the year 1990 and formerly known as Fundosa Lavanderias Industriales SA. It is engaged in the provision of industrial washing of textiles and offers complete services in the treatment of clothes. The company is leading in the field of industrial laundries. Its staff is mainly composed of disabled workers. It has 25 clothing processing centers that handle more than 80 million kilos of clothes each year. Its added values, which distinguish the company from its direct competitors, include the services provided by the central laboratory, which is located in Madrid. The company operates as a subsidiary of Organizacion Nacional de Ciegos Españoles, which is involved in raising funds to provide services for the blind and people with serious visual impairment.