Demolición y preparación de terrenos
Productos y servicios
Especialista en cimentaciones especiales y medioambiente, que se dedica a la aplicación y desarrollo de técnicas relacionadas con el subsuelo
Preparación de terrenos
Otras actividades de construcción especializada n.c.o.p.
Preparación de terrenos
Otras actividades de construcción especializada ncop
Site preparation
Other specialised construction activities n.e.c.
The company, with head office located in Madrid, Spain, specializes in special foundations and environmental solutions, for which it applies and develops techniques related to the sub-soil. It is the leading company in the sector of special foundations and soil and environmental improvement. Its business is performed in the field of geo-technique and soil mechanics and is one of the few companies in the world that cover the full range of existing excavation, drilling and soil treatment systems. The company was incorporated in 2004. The company's main business lines can be divided into the following large groups: Piling, both displacement piles (reinforced pre-cast and pre-tensioned) and bored piles (in situ piles); Slurry walls, reinforced concrete or plastic walls, the function of which is structural or for waterproofing; the Small Diameter activities consist of Special Foundations that combine traditional micro pile, anchoring and grouting techniques with more modern systems such as Jet and Super Jet Grouting, Compaction, Compensation and Consolidation Grouting; In Soil Treatment, the most widely-used techniques are known as vibro, which include Stone Columns, Grouted Stone Columns, Rigid Inclusions and Vibro-compaction; in the Instrumentation sector, Terratest provides its services at all levels, from equipment supply to interpretation of the data generated with such equipment (at the same time, it performs Geotechnical Reports); and Environmental activities, which aim to solve a wide range of problems such as bio-remedies, soil decontamination, water table control, aquifer decontamination and monitoring, erosion control, design and construction of refuse tips and safety cells, leachate extraction and decontamination, gas-freeing and energy use of bio-gases, ecology walling, roadbed strengthening. The company's aim is to offer global solutions for problems of soil improvement and treatment. The team of experts that form the company aim to respond with responsibility and efficiency to the requirements of each project by following the client's specifications or presenting more advantageous alternatives. The company's ample experience in the execution of its construction projects enables the company to provide a series of solutions for the different problems that most frequently arise in the construction of hydraulic, road, building or railway projects. Generally there are four main areas where the company can provide various technical solutions for the main problems that arise: Deep foundations (pre-cast piles, bored piles, micro piles, slurry walls and jet grouting), Ground improvement for subsequent surface foundations (stone columns, jet grouting, compensation grouting and drain driving), Underpinning (micro piles, compaction grouting), Retaining systems (continuous slurry walls, anchored walls, ecological walls and soil nailing), and Waterproofing (grouting, geotextiles, thin plastic walls, bentonite-cement walls and continuous walls).